The spread of organised coffee cultivation in Ethiopia - as related by lsrael Degefa.

Coffee spread to the highland areas of Sidamo where the trees are newer. In my home area, the trees can be 65-85 years old. Trees this mature no longer produce good, flavoursome coffee but farmers have been resistant to replanting due to the perceived interruption in their income. On a side note, in response to this issue Kerchanshe now runs a range of ...

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Our Process

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Our Process

From Seed to Export: The Journey of Coffee

Discover the fascinating process that transforms a tiny seed into the rich, flavorful coffee in your cup.

The coffee tree, scientifically known as Coffea, is native to tropical Africa. This flowering plant produces the coffee cherries that contain the beans we know and love. Over centuries, coffee has spread worldwide, becoming an essential part of global culture.

- Coffee Belt Overview

- Coffee Species (Arabica & Robusta)

There are two primary species of coffee trees:

  • Arabica: Grown at higher altitudes and known for its sweet, complex flavors. It represents about 60% of global coffee production.
  • Robusta: More resilient, grown at lower altitudes, and has a stronger, more bitter taste. Robusta beans contain higher caffeine content, making them popular in instant coffee and certain blends.

1. Planting the Seed

Coffee trees begin as seeds, planted in nurseries

2. Growing the Tree

Purchasing from select family farmers who farm organically.

3. Harvesting the Cherries

Purchasing from select family farmers who farm organically.

4. Processing Coffee Bean

Purchasing from select family farmers who farm organically.

5. Packaging & Exporting

Purchasing from select family farmers who farm organically.

~ How we made it ~

The Fascinating Journey

The coffee tree, scientifically known as Coffea, is native to tropical Africa. This flowering plant produces the coffee cherries that contain the beans we know and love. Over centuries, coffee has spread worldwide, becoming an essential part of global culture.

Coffee trees thrive in a region known as the 'coffee belt' which stretches between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The unique combination of altitude, rainfall, and temperatures in these regions gives coffee its diverse flavors.

~ Team member ~

We have awesome team members to

Mr. Bantayehu Kebede

Mr. Bantayehu Kebede

Import & Transit Manager

Mr. Yigezu Legesse

Mr. Yigezu Legesse

Manager, Export & Logistics

Mr. Girma Debisa

Mr. Girma Debisa

South Region Manager


